Friday, February 12, 2010

Halal and Haram by Category

The legitimate and prohibited food also can be grouped in other categories;

The animal category: This includes to the animal of land and to the marine animal. Almost all that live in the fresh water and the water animals of salt (those that live in the water all the time) are allowed unless they are harmful to death. There is no demand to knock down to the marine animals, between the animals of area, the pig is prohibited especially and the carnivorous mammals and some of other animals and the birds are prohibited by the deduction of the Islamic law.
The derivatives (the eggs and the milk) animals halal whereas living ingredients are allowed for Moslems unless there is a contamination for any prohibited in seemingly halal the products. and, e.g. the use of pepsin or the rennet of animal in the manufacture of cheese.

Plant Category: All products taken out from plants are lawful for Muslim except consumption when it fermented to contain alcohol, or by containing toxic products or ingredients on the other hand harmful to people.

Mineral category: in general sure substances taken out from the mineral fountains or from oil are the halal except those who could become intoxicating or those who put down a danger for health.

A biotechnology and a Genetic Engineering category: the Biotechnology and bioengineering began in reshape the productions of food, questions is raised on the permissibility of the produced food by using these techniques. Islam is a viable religion forever, and such questions are examined in a foundation of case by case by the erudite persons Muslims. The biotechnology covers a vast variety of biological activities of science and, can drive to a big number of different applications for the bunch of feeding and our provisioning of food.

The laws of Islamic food are founded on the cleanliness, the sanitary system and the purity. All the tools must be clean and without contamination of any illicit or harmful substances.
Any derivatives or thrown ingredients have to be also properly for the animals knocked down to be good for the Moslem consumption.

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